ONE GOD many names
Meditate on the many names, marvel at the way we gain...
As Christians, we have a relationship with God and we should desire for that relationship to grow closer. One way to do that is of course to read the Bible, but where do you start. Brendan Conboy decided to read, meditate on and dig deeper into the names of God and in this book he shares some of his thoughts, explanations and relevant stories.
Pick a name, any name, there is power in that name. When we meditate on the many names of God, something powerful can happen to us. When we find out what some of these names mean they can have a transformational impact on our lives. As you slowly make your way through these many names and titles, pause at each of them. Take time to reflect and record your own thoughts and be ready for God to speak to you.
The true stories contained within this book are inspirational. Brendan hopes that by sharing them in relation to the names of God, that you will develop a closer relationship with the ONE GOD, with many names.