Created to be creative...
A close PERSONAL service on every project, regardless of size or budget.
Proud to offer an honest service with the highest level of INTEGRITY.
A CREATIVE solution to share your message - Message is key.
A close PERSONAL service on every project, regardless of size or budget.
Proud to offer an honest service with the highest level of INTEGRITY.
A CREATIVE solution to share your message - Message is key.
Book publishing: I have a level 4 diploma in Proofreading & Copy-editing. With 15 of my own books published and nine years of writing and publishing experience. I am passionate to help other writers break through the barriers that prevent them from becoming published authors.
I have a level 5 advanced diploma in Digital Marketing. With nearly 30 years experience in creating high quality content, that people see and connect with. If you have a product, a service or a message that needs to be heard, do this in a creative manner. Tell me your story and I will help you to tell the world.
I have a Foundation Degree in youth & community work. Which provides me with the skills to teach, coach and mentor. I provide this service to like-minded creatives. My aim is to help people unleash their creative potential and to achieve the things that they dream about and that which they cannot imagine
I have nine years experience in film making. My films have won awards at film festivals around the world, including runner up at the Cannes World Film Festival (family film) 2023. I have created hundreds of YouTube videos and several promotional films for charities, musicians and industry.
Contact me now to discuss your specific needs. Let's have a no obligation chat.
Here are some of who we have worked with: