Rhyme Time - poetry collection
We are all on a journey, travelling through life, in a short span of time.
We are all on a journey, with all kinds of strife, rest now in words of rhyme.
The poems that are penned in this book have been inspired by many of the things that we encounter on our journeys. This includes; fear, mental illness, rejection, image, self-worth, Christmas, and of course God’s hand in our lives, plus much more. The words in this book are words of hope, encouragement and inspiration. We are all more capable than we give ourselves credit for. Read a short snippet of Brendan’s life here and may it inspire you to break through the barriers that are holding you back.
I left school without an English qualification. Unable to string two sentences together. It’s fair to say that I hated writing. I couldn’t see the point. I couldn’t see the beauty. The beauty that lies in words. And the power. Words are so powerful. They can bring about change. They influence, but how did I change? Ten years after leaving school I read about Jesus. Not for the first time, but the words that I read came alive. This man Jesus felt real. So, I stepped into a relationship with Him. He came into my life and transformed my mind. Within a year I was writing rap songs, songs with a message. The words would just fall into my head, sometimes in bed or just walking the dog. It was as if a blockage had been removed. The songs that I wrote recorded and performed can be found at the end of this book. The cover of this book tells you that I am the author of this work. However, that is not strictly true. All of the words written here are inspired and given to me by God. I see myself simply as a conduit, a messenger and His instrument to be used. Thank you Lord God for speaking to me and for giving me ears to hear and a heart to receive. For giving me tools and skills, then telling me to use them for YOU.